KAFALAT Energy Programme

  • National Funds
  • SMEs
  • Debt / Green Loans
  • Debt / Guarantees
  • Debt / Soft Loans
  • Subsidy / Technical Assistance (TA)
  • All sectors
  • Cogeneration Project
  • Energy Efficiency Project
  • Green Building
  • Renewable Energy Project
  • Cogeneration
  • Energy Efficiency (EE)
  • Renewable Energy (RE)
  • The Central Bank of Lebanon (Banque du Liban)
  • Lebanese commercial banks
  • Kalafat S.A.L.
Short Background of the Fund

Kafalat Energy, a collaboration between the European Union and Kafalat SAL, aims to assist SMEs in overcoming energy challenges while promoting environmental sustainability. Through this program, eligible SMEs can access loan guarantees for investments in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy projects. The program offers three distinct investment categories: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy generation for internal use, and Renewable Energy generation for sale to third parties, each with varying maximum loan amounts, durations, guarantees, and grace periods. https://kafalat.com.lb/kafalat-energy

Kafalat Energy applications require the submission of all requested documents, including an additional Technico-Financial Study specific to each program. For Program A (Energy Efficiency), the study should include an energy audit detailing current energy consumption, optimized technical solutions, energy savings calculations, key energy and financial indicators, and a focus on CO2 emissions reduction. For Programs B & C (Renewable Energy), the study should outline the current energy situation, design considerations, energy yield calculations, key energy, and financial indicators, and emphasize avoided CO2 emissions. Both studies must be prepared by a contracted mechanical, electrical, or energy engineer and adhere to specific guidelines to expedite processing. To streamline the client’s application process, it will be split into two components: a technical section containing the Technico-Financial Study, and an economic section comprising all other necessary documents. The flowchart depicts the application journey, starting from the client’s decision to investigate energy investment possibilities and concluding with the final approval of the loan and guarantee. Application flowchart may be seen on the Website at https://kafalat.com.lb/kafalat-energy

  • Completed
  • Lebanon

