meetMED II

The Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region (meetMED) project is an EU-funded project, developed by the Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Management (MEDENER) and the Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE).

Following the success of its first phase (MEETMED I, from 2018-2020), meetMED project commenced its second phase aiming to enhance the energy security of beneficiary countries (namely Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia).

While fostering their transition to low carbon economy. Accordingly, meetMED II will be contributing to the creation of more stable, efficient, competitive and climate-resilient socioeconomic contexts in the targeted countries.

meetMED II activities aim at strengthening the implementation of EE measures and improving countries’ energy mix focusing on building and appliances’ sectors through a multiscale, multi-partner and inclusive approach at local and regional levels, thereby fostering regional cooperation.

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meetMED II activities aim at strengthening the implementation of EE measures and improving countries’ energy mix focusing on building and appliances’ sectors through a multiscale, multi-partner and inclusive approach at local and regional levels, thereby fostering regional cooperation.

Through harmonizing regional efforts and cooperation, the project will be emphasizing upon:


  • Massive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures on building and appliances sectors in the Southern Neighborhood region to accelerate clean energy transition
  • Public awareness on energy’s major stakes and challenges increases, thereby accelerating public and private sectors’ involvement towards more energy-efficient buildings and appliances sectors